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General Practitioners


Dr Ayan Panja (male)


Dr Daniel Carlton-Conway

Dr Daniel Carlton-Conway (male)


Dr Debbie Bell

Dr Debbie Bell (female)


Dr Helen McAndrew

Dr Helen McAndrew (female)

BNurs (Hons) MBChB MRCGP

Dr Arthy Sivakumar

Dr Arthy Sivakumar (female)


Salaried Doctors

Dr Sheila Roney

Dr Sheila Roney (female)

BSc MBBS MRCGP DFSRH Associate Trainer

Dr Michael Cipparrone

Dr Michael Cipparrone (male)

Dr Vicki Paschaki (female)

Dr Manola De-Silva

Dr Manoka De Silva (female)

Dr Ola Alwitry (female)

Dr Khyber Maarij (male)

Dr Mehreen Paraouty (female)

Dr Georgina Grigg (female)

Maternity Leave

Dr Nisha Santhirararjah (female)

We also have a number of locum doctors who cover leave and sickness.

What do the letters after a Doctor’s name mean?
MB ChB or MBBSBatchelor of Medicine and Surgery. This is the standard qualification each medical student is awarded after 5 years of University Training. Although the students are officially recognised as ‘doctors’ at this stage, they require a further one year’s experience as a junior house officer in a hospital post before they become fully qualified doctors in the eyes of the General Medical Council.
DRCOGDiploma from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. This is a voluntary exam undertaken by GP’s in training to recognise specialist knowledge in the fields of pregnancy and women’s health.
DCHDiploma in Child Health. This is a similar exam to the DRCOG and recognises additional skills in the fields of child health and Paediatrics.
MRCGPMember of the Royal College of General Practitioners. The MRCGP qualification is a marker of quality and is regarded as an end-point assessment for general practice for those completing GP training. The majority of candidates are doctors at an early stage in their careers, who see it as a means of motivating their studies and demonstrating their ability to prospective partners as well as joining the College.
DFFP or DFSRHDiplomas of the Faculty of Family Planning and/or Reproductive and Sexual Health of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
GP Registrar

The surgery is an approved GP training centre and each year has a qualified doctor attached to gain experience in general Practice.